Blink Tears

Blink Tears

  • $12.00
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Blink Lubricating Eye Drops For Mild Moderate Dry Eye

What makes Blink tears unique?

Dry eye can give you a feeling of overall dryness, irritation, itching, burning, excessive tearing or even gritty “foreign body” feeling in your eyes. If you are experiencing any of these feelings, you have symptoms of dry eye, and you are not the only one. Lubricating eye drops can bring you the dry-eye relief you are looking for. Specifically, Blink tears Lubricating Eye Drops can bring you dry-eye relief with every blink.

Blink tears unique visco-adaptive formula will give you immediate comfort upon instillation. It is uniquely formulated to stay in the eye longer, so you can get longer-lasting dry-eye relief. And you won’t need to dose as frequently as with other lubricating dry-eye drops. Patients also report experiencing less blurring with Blink tears than with other lubricating eye drops.